Indonesie 2001

EM in Indonesië

Republic of Indonesia

The full-scale EM promotion has been carried out since the year 1992. The Indonesia Kyusei Nature Farming Association is a pivotal promoter, and around it, there are organizations like the Ministry of Agriculture, District Government, and other associated companies who cooperate with the Association for the promotion.

Seriedad de su promocion de EM ha iniciado desde 1992, la asociacion de agricultura natural de Kyusei es promotor principal de EM y el Ministerio de Agricultura, Gobernadores, otras sociedades estan colaborando para su extension.


Indonesia EM Training Center sign

The signboard of the EM Training Center which was established in 1996. They develop EM technology applications for Indonesia, and give farmers technical training.

Cartel del Centro de Entrenamiento EM fundado en el año 1996. Se están desarrollando tecnologías de EM adecuadas al país, además de proveer orientación técnica a los agricultores.

Indonesia integrated farmThis is the Integrated Farm which has tried to utilize it’s topographic variations. All of the excreta of livestock are used, and they get high yields without bringing agricultural materials from outside the farm. The Integrated Farm also offers accommodations, and is functioning as an EM Training Center.

Agricultura Integral basada en la topografía del país. Los excrementos del ganado son reciclados por lo cual no es necesario introducir materiales desde afuera de la granja para poder cultivar. Cuenta con servicio de hospedaje y funciona también como Centro de Entrenamiento EM.

Indonesia EM Training Center staff

The staff of EM Training Center is corresponding a group of trainees. In Indonesia, several travel agency have “EM Site Visit Tour.” There have been up to 300 visitors applications per month. The EM Training Center welcomes the training students.

Personal del Centro de Entrenamiento EM recibiendo a una delegación. Agencias de viajes locales organizan tours de entrenamiento, recibiendo unas 300 visitas mensuales. Este Centro acepta estudiantes que deseen realizar cursos de entrenamiento.
