Northkorea 2001

EM in North Korea  

Democratic People’s Republic of KoreaRepública Popular Democrática de Corea

EM was experimentally introduced in DPR Korea. Since then, EM has been promoted as a project of Korea National Science Academy. The size of the area in which EM was used in the year 2000 was about 600,000 to 800,000 ha, and about 120,000 tons of EM was manufactured at the 110 regional EM factories. North Korea Soybeans

Soybeans grown with EM. The plant has lots of beans in many pods.

Soja cultivada utilizando EM. Está cargada de frutos y sus vainas son sustanciosas.

North Korea Farming support teamFarming support team on their way home after a good harvest of rice plants. EM helped many crops, such as corn, Welsh onions and Chinese cabbages. A Japanese newspaper reported this great harvest in North Korea.

Grupo de ayudantes regresando a sus hogares después de una buena cosecha de arroz. La efectividad del uso de EM se puede apreciar también en el cultivo de maíz, cebolleta y col china. La abundante cosecha en Corea del Norte ha sido noticia de un periódico japonés.

North Korea EM production plant

An EM Production Plant. There are several EM extending plants in North Korea.

Planta de Producción de EM. Existen además otras 110 plantas de EM activados en todo el territorio de Corea del Norte.
